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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Freshening up the gardens

Finally got around to freshening up the mulch on the gardens in the front courtyard. The plants are starting to recover from the recent pruning prior to painting.  THe scrappy plant in the foreground is a 'bird of paradise' that I transplanted.  It is just starting to sprout new shoots.

 Picture on the right is under the unit 4 patio

Once spring arrives we intend to plant a few more flowering plants along the front area particularly, as you can see from the shots below; it's a bit bare at the moment.

Below left; view of the RHS as you walk out of the gate; this is where we need some more greenery to cover up the sewage tank etc.

Below right; view of the same area from the first stairwell entry

This is a view of the LHS as you walk out of the gate; the scraggly vine is actually Jasmine which I hope will get a move on in Spring.


Here's a view from the entry gate as you walk in; looks good all squared up.
I am looking at putting a trellis along under the patios on the left and training the plants to grow up it rather than across the pathway!

Any ideas; just post a commentor send an email.
Cheers Martin